Joseph Smith
Travel Tax Canada
US: 402-379-7818
Canada: 902-482-8128
Who We Are
We have developed a talented team here at TravelTax of tax professionals to help our clients. If we don’t have an immediate answer to your question we will find one! If the question/answers require a lengthy investment of time, we will recommend A CONSULT with the appropriate person on our team.
As a company, TravelTax prepares thousands of tax returns a year, almost all by Internet, email, fax, and phone. We also spend considerable effort and energy educating our clients, so they understand the issues that pertain to tax homes, temporary contracts, reimbursements, and multi-state taxation.
Why? Because no matter who prepares your returns, ultimately you are responsible for the taxes. With the IRS, ignorance of the law is no excuse. While you may be able to have the penalties dropped because you “trusted your tax preparer to know what they were doing,” you won’t get out of the assessed tax bill.